International Space Station Current Location

GET /iss-now/v1/
GET /iss-now/
GET /iss-now.json

The International Space Station (ISS) is moving at close to 28,000 km/h so its location changes really fast! Where is it right now?

This is a simple api to return the current location above the Earth of the ISS. It returns the current latitude and longitude of the space station with a unix timestamp for the time the location was valid. This API takes no inputs.

Status Codes:
Response JSON Object:
  • message (str) – Operation status.
  • timestamp (int) – Unix timestamp for this location.
  • iss_position (obj) – Position on Earth directly below the ISS.
  • iss_position.latitude (int) – Latitude
  • iss_position.longitude (int) – Longitude

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "iss_position": {
    "latitude": -19.783929798887073,
    "longitude": -72.29753187401747
  "message": "success",
  "timestamp": 1454357342